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The Ivy League Way

Ivy League Cigars Logo

My name is Mike Turk and my cigar journey all began with my first smoke. At the time, I didn’t know what a good cigar was or that different brands meant different blends. All I knew was that I liked the feeling of leisurely enjoying a moment of sophistication and class as I persevered my way to the end of the nub.

I began pouring myself into the entire society of cigar life, from following aficionados online, to reading books on how to roll your own cigars, to weekly trying new brands to discover my favorites. It wasn’t long before I felt certain that I wanted this to be my life.


Prior to my first introduction to cigars I had attended Culinary school and had spent years in the restaurant business working hard to become successful within this field, but I always felt there was a certain spark that lacked when working with food. That passion, however, was immediately recognized when I started to educate myself about cigars. Eventually one night when smoking a cigar, this time a good one, the idea of Ivy League Cigars presented itself and I started to recognize that there is a need for “cigar talk” to be shared with people young an old…cue an interactive blog experience offering cigar reviews, news, and even merchandise!

While my eager interest has been on point, I struggled for a while about how to put this whole blog idea into action—until my genius buddy Joe Gianndrea offered to team up with me to create an online cigar resource.

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Between my knowledge of all things cigars, and his strong background in marketing, we’re committed to sharing our craze of cigars with all of you the Ivy League way!

Ivy League Cigars wants to open the door to a new era of cigar enjoyment. We want all generations to unite through their love of cigars. We want to bring you new information, trends, and tips to keep you inspired and to create a lifestyle for people who share this same passion with us.

So, how do we do this? First things first—we want to build a community through our blog by talking about cigars themselves, accessories, gadgets, and anything else related to the culture. We’ll offer you Ivy League apparel, accessories, and ultimately, cigars that have the Ivy League stamp of approval so we’re all smoking the good stuff! So join us each week as we make our journey or new discoveries and share them on this blog for everyone to enjoy!

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